Companions of Adoniram;
Companions of Adoniram,
First, allow me to express my gratitude for being elected and installed as Thrice Illustrious Master of our great council. I am very excited about the honor to serve and more importantly, about the opportunity to lead the team that continues to invest time and effort to further grow and advance our council into further prosperity.As you may have heard, we had an unsuccessful merger attempt with a sister council in NJ. The thought process behind that initiative was not because our council was weak or because we needed to merge, but because we wanted to be a cornerstone in the effort to help thrive and energize Royal and Select Masters in our jurisdiction as a whole. Our hand is always extended to work with likeminded Masons who want to build Masonry in general, and York rite in particular, so that future generations can enjoy what has been entrusted to us over the years.
As part of the change that is coming to Adoniram, it is suffice for you to take a look at the list of officers who have taken an oath to serve you and to be assured that your council is in good hands. We are proposing moving Adoniram council to meet at Atlas Pythagoras No. 10 in Westfield where there exists already a vibrant Blue Lodge, a strong Royal Arch Chapter, and a prestigious Knight Templar commandry. Adoniram will fill that missing York rite piece in the puzzle, and I strongly believe that together, the 4 organizations can bring strength and unity to one another.
Furthermore, we are reducing the number of meetings to 5 a year. We see no reason to meet just for fellowship. Our meetings will consist of first-class ritual work and Cryptic education. This will allow more participation from both officers and members alike. Moreover, we will strive to attract new members and energize existing members to attend our meetings and make Royal and Select Masters council as part of their Masonic spiritual and educational growth. The degrees of Royal on Select Masters, on their own, have so much hidden lessons embedded in them and merit their study. To participate in council is the only way to unlock some of these mysteries.
In closing, I invite you to join us at Atlas Pythagoras Lodge in Westfield on January 26, 2023 where we will have an open house at our new home for new members to learn about R&SM and listen to a lecture entitled “Seeking Truth” which is open to all Master Masons.
Yours in cryptic rite,
R.I. Mohamad A. Yatim, GDCE
Thrice Illustrious Master, 2023